Water Quality

The Division of Water Quality provides residents of Lexington-Fayette County with wastewater treatment and stormwater management services. The city’s sanitary sewer system includes 81 pump stations, over 1400 miles of sewer pipe, and two large wastewater treatment plants (Town Branch and West Hickman).

Water Quality also manages the city’s storm sewer system by implementing its Stormwater Quality Management Program and by constructing capital projects to repair or replace broken or undersized pipes and conduits that are causing flooding problems.  

Additionally, Water Quality works with community groups and other LFUCG divisions to provide opportunities for the public and local businesses to improve water quality for the community. We manage the Stormwater Incentive Grant Program to provide funding for businesses, schools and neighborhoods to undertake stormwater infrastructure and education projects. We are also involved with events that help improve water quality such as Reforest the Bluegrass and the Great American Clean Up.


Neighborhood sewer improvement projects

This is a list of sanitary sewer work anticipated between August 7 and 11.  The estimated duration of the work is included.

Neighborhood sewer improvement projects

Dates: July 31 – August 4

Sanitary sewer cleanings, inspections July 31 – August 12

Residents on the streets listed below may see vehicles, work crews, and small equipment. Work crews will be wearing reflective vests and appropriate identification. Certain conditions may cause this schedule to change.
