Office of Affordable Housing

The Office of Affordable Housing is tasked with managing the Affordable Housing Fund’s day-to-day administration and serves as the point of contact for affordable housing in the City of Lexington.

Affordable Housing Needs Analysis

The 2024 Affordable Housing Needs Analysis is now complete. The purpose of the analysis was to assess Lexington’s housing needs of now and into the future. The Affordable Housing Governing Board will us the report to help make programmatic and policy decisions as it relates to the City’s Affordable Housing investments moving forward.

View Affordable Housing Needs Analysis

Affordable Housing Governing Board

The Affordable Housing Governing Board is charged with establishing policies and procedures and overseeing the financial and administrative actions of the affordable housing fund. 

Learn more


LFUCG soliciting public input on PRO Housing grant application

The Lexington Fayette Urban County Government's (LFUCG) Department of Housing Advocacy and Community Development is seeking public comment on its application for federal grant funding from the U.S.

Housing stabilization plans new services as focus shifts to those at risk of eviction

Lexington’s Housing Stabilization Program will offer additional housing stability services as the pandemic and the unprecedented emergency federal funding for housing end.

Lexington’s rent assistance program praised

The National Low Income Housing Coalition ranks the city among the top local grantees nationwide for residents who need help.
