Event item rentals and permits

Parks & Recreation offers several rental opportunities and permits to help make your gathering the best it can be.

Show mobile

  • Mobile truck bed stage opens up for events and community functions with access to power.
  • The show mobile dimensions are 32 ft. long and 14 ft. deep.
  • Rental fees are $400/day for non-profit and $700/day for profit with at least one driver/operator at $60/hour.


  • Mobile seating for 100 people available city-wide.
  • Bleachers are 17'-9" wide (while opened) and 27' long. Bleachers have 10 rows.
  • Rental fees are $300/day. Additional labor fees apply.

Commercial photography/film

  • Commercial photography and filming in Lexington parks must be permitted.
  • Photography permit is $40 per day per location. 

  • Calendar year photography permit is $225 for one calendar year in all Lexington parks. Photographer must reapply for each individual park and/or each individual day prior to the photo shoot to obtain the proper permit. 

  • Commercial filming (video) permit is $125 per day per location.

  • Filming or photography is $125 per day.
  • Must provide a certificate of insurance stating LFUCG as additional insured.

Private Instruction/Lessons

  • Private instruction or lessons occurring in the parks must be permitted.
  • An instructor permit costs $50 for the calendar year or any portion thereof.
  • Instructors must provide a certificate of insurance including commercial general liability coverage in the minimum amount of $1 million per occurrence.
  • Instruction of minors under the age of 18 will require a criminal record check to be run on the instructor annually. Allow a minimum of two weeks for processing.
  • An instructor’s permit does not grant exclusive use of any park or facility. Park amenities must remain open to the public.
  • Rentable amenities are available for rent in order to gain exclusive use. Additional charges will apply.
  • To obtain a permit, visit 469 Parkway Drive. 

Sales Tax
