Lexington Parks & Recreation has numerous public tennis courts located at parks across the city. Unless reserved for league play, courts are open on a first come, first served basis.
Please note: The tennis courts at Shillito Park are currently closed for rebuilt and resurfacing.
Court Locations
Addison Park | 2 Courts
Belleau Woods Park | 2 Courts
Castlewood Park | 3 Courts
Constitution Park | 2 Courts
Douglass Park | 2 Courts
Ecton Park | 4 Courts
Gainesway Park | 2 Courts
Lansdowne - Merrick Park | 2 Courts
Marlboro Park | 2 Courts
Meadowthorpe Park | 2 Courts
Mount Tabor Park | 2 Courts
Shillito Park | Please note: These courts are temporarily closed for construction and resurfacing.
Southland Park | 2 Courts
Waverly Park | 2 Courts
Woodland Park | 4.5 Courts
Tennis camp
Lexington Parks & Recreation presents a tennis and swim camp for multiple weeks each summer at Shillito Park.