Police phone directory

The main number for the Lexington Police Department is (859) 258-3600. In an emergency, please dial 911.

Chief of Police | (859) 258-3621

Chief Lawrence Weathers |  email: policechief@lexingtonpolice.ky.gov 
Fax: (859) 258-3638


LGBTQ Community Liaison

Bureau of Patrol | (859) 258-3779

Patrol Sectors | West, Central, East

Bureau of Investigation | (859) 258-3700

Investigation Section | (859) 258-3700

  • Property Crimes Section | burglary, auto theft, financial crimes, shoplifting
  • Personal Crimes Section | robbery, homicide, assaults
  • Special Victims Section | crimes against children, domestic violence
  • Crime Reduction Section | larceny crimes, gangs, violent crimes


Special Investigations Section


Investigative Support Section


Public Integrity Unit | (859) 258-3625

Bureau of Administration | (859) 258-3615

Police and Fire Pension Office

Phone: (859) 258-3539 

Fax: (859) 425-2050