Art by Nature

The Art by Nature program highlights the beauty of our local Fayette County landscapes and plants along with ways to improve and enhance the natural world. Local artists create pieces inspired by the list of chosen sites provided each year. The 2024 exhibit will focus on monarch waystations across Fayette County. 

2024 Art by Nature

If you saw an inspiration site yard sign, you found a site! View the map of locations below.

All mediums welcome. Submissions must be inspired by one of the 20 featured Monarch Waystation locations or another certified Monarch Waystation in Fayette County. Select 'other' on the submission form. 'Other' locations that are not one of the featured locations must be a Monarch Waystation or they may not be acceptable. Please ensure that if you select other, the location is a Monarch Waystation. If you have questions about non-featured locations, please email

Deadline to submit is Sept. 13.
Gallery will be open Oct. 18 – Dec. 6, 2024

Submission Form

Map of locations

2024 Gallery Events

The following are events happening at the Living Arts and Science Center Gallery during the Art by Nature exhibit. Admission is free to the Living Arts and Science Center during all events. Join us for the opening and closing reception, where awards will be presented. 

Opening reception
Oct.18 | 6 – 8 p.m.

Gallery Hop
Nov. 15 | 6 – 8 p.m.

Closing reception
Dec. 6 | 6 – 7 p.m.

2023 award winners

The 2023 exhibit included 121 pieces of work from 90 local artists.

First place: Christina Conroy, Veteran's Park Creek
Second place: Cathy Vigor, The Boils/After the Rain
Third place: Marian O'Shaughnessy, Historic Stone Bridge, The Lane

Student honorable mention: Ruby Esparza, Weeping Meadow
Student honorable mention: Gwen Dalibor, The Creek in the Park
Student honorable mention: Tessa Howard, Field of Flowers

Exceptional environmental quality: Brian Connors Manke, If Frank Lloyd Wright Lived in Lexington and Ate Pizza

People's Choice: Savannah Guthrie, As It Was

Past year themes

2018 – local greenways and streamside restoration projects
2019 – native plants in medians, easements and mailbox strips
2020 – 2021 – trees
2022 – front yards
2023 – urban creeks
