About Therapeutic Recreation

Therapeutic Recreation programs provide opportunities for individuals with disabilities to enjoy activities through recreation, leisure and play and to showcase their talents and abilities. Our programs are designed to enhance the overall health, wellness and social needs of individuals with disabilities.  

Benefits of TR programs:

  • Develop trust and social skills
  • Self-respect
  • Meet new people and decrease loneliness
  • Gain recreation and life skills for increased independence
  • Explore the community
  • Improve physical and emotional health
  • Improve quality of life​​


Registration is required for all programs and will be taken only through online registration or by mail on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are not able to complete your registration electronically, complete and return the forms to the Therapeutic Recreation office at Dunbar Community Center. 

We will make every attempt to make up missed classes due to inclement weather, however, due to scheduling, this may not be possible. Refunds or credits are not given for missed classes or programs canceled due to weather. 

PLEASE NOTE: If Fayette County Schools are closed due to inclement weather, we will not have programs/classes. 

Online and in-person registration will open on Friday, Jan. 6, 2023, after noon. Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis on the postmarked date on the registration envelope if completed manually. Do not send any registration fees until you have received confirmation you are in the class or program. 

Space is limited in many programs so it is important that you register as soon as possible. You will receive confirmation of your acceptance in a class or program by email.

Register for TR programs

Scholarship applicants for must complete the eligibility form below. 

Count Me In – Financial Assistance

Supervision, caregivers

If the individual participating requires one-on-one supervision or personal care assistance, we highly recommend you provide a caregiver/CLS Worker for the support needed. Due to the nature of our activities and a large number of participants, we cannot provide one-on-one support. Program staff will be present to facilitate activities and provide a safe and therapeutic recreation environment for participants.


Transportation to and from the TR programs/events is the participant's responsibility. Contact Wheels at (859) 233-3433 to arrange transportation. 

Make-up events, refunds

We will attempt to make-up missed classes due to inclement weather. However, due to scheduling, this may not be feasible. Refunds or credits are not given for missed classes or programs. 
