Crisis response support request

Following our ONE Lexington Strategic Plan to address youth and young adult gun violence, we vow to support those who have been affected by gun violence. While ONE Lexington doesn't have the capacity for extensive long-term survivor support or case management, we do offer supplemental support for families affected by gun violence.

Request support services

Below are some guidelines to the support we offer.

  • Grocery support (in the form of gift cards) not to exceed $500 in a fiscal year. Gift cards may no longer be dropped off. They must be picked up and signed out at the government center.  
  • Utility bill support not to exceed $500 in a fiscal year 
  • Rent or mortgage support not to exceed $2,000 in a fiscal year 
  • Permanent or temporary relocation support not exceed $2,500 in a fiscal year 
  • Property damage support not to exceed $1,000 in a fiscal year 

Request form

Other resources

Mental health support not to exceed $1,000 in a fiscal year 

N.O.C.A.P. Youth Program for youth ages 10 – 17 who have been affected by gun violence or have an incarcerated parent.

Register for N.O.C.A.P.

For information on our in-school mentoring support contact Devine Carama at

We do NOT help with phone bills, car payments or extra-curricular activities. 

*Fiscal year is July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
