Savannah and Guilford Lane Stormwater Improvement Project

Certain properties that lie between Savannah Lane and Guilford Lane have been experiencing some significant erosion due to high velocity stormwater flowing along a flume that runs through the backyards over the past several years.  The flume in question begins just south of Tupelo Lane extending to a detention basin that ultimately drains through another headwall.  The erosion that is occurring along the flume is concentrated behind 2256, 2260 and 2264 Savannah Lane and 2253 Guilford Lane.

In July of 2021 Councilmember Amanda Bledsoe, Charlie Martin, PE (DWQ), Greg Lubeck, PE (DWQ) and Mark Sanders, PE (DWQ) met with the Beaumont Residential Neighborhood regarding stormwater drainage and erosion issues.

The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Division of Water Quality hosted a public meeting on May 24, 2022, at the Beaumont YMCA to present alternatives to address the stormwater issues (significant erosion along the flume and water velocity) within the drainage easement between Savannah Lane and Guilford Lane. The meeting attendees selected alternatives five and six for further development. 

The following exhibits were presented at the May 24 meeting.
Attachment A (Alternatives) 
Attachment B (Pros/Cons/Costs) 
Savannah Project Map

If you have any questions or need additional information contact Mark Sanders at (859) 258-3426 or or the LFUCG Project Manager Doug Baldwin at (859) 258-3474 or  
