Artworks & Kiddie Kapers Dance Classes

Recreational, after school programs committed to finding the artist in everyone! Classes available for preschool through middle school-aged students in art, dance and karate. Numerous class options available, Monday – Thursday throughout the school year. Quality instruction at an affordable price. No experience necessary, just a love of the arts! 


Tates Creek Ballroom 
1400 Gainesway Dr.

Artworks at the Carver School
522 Patterson St.


Fall 2024 – Spring 2025

Kiddie Kapers & Company Dance Program schedule 

Artworks at the Carver School schedule

Register opens for classes on Aug. 21, 2024.

How to register

To inquire about registration, please call (859) 425-2057.

Register online 

For more information contact us at: 

Artworks at the Carver School 
522 Pattterson St.
Lexington, KY 40508 
