Kentucky River Clean Sweep

Thank you to all 98 volunteers who cleaned up nearly 1 TON of trash! The Kentucky River is starting off the summer as a cleaner, healthier place because of you. 

Each June, volunteers are invited to help clean up litter and trash from the 12 miles of the Kentucky River that touch Fayette County. It's a great opportunity to see the river up close and start the summer off with a clean environment. 

The event is sponsored by the City of Lexington and the Kentucky River Authority.

Info for volunteers

  • Trash bags and gloves will be provided. 
  • Participants should wear clothing that can get wet and close-toed shoes.
  • If you have a boat, canoe or kayak, please bring it with you. 
  • Volunteers who own life vests, especially if they are children, are encouraged to bring them. A limited number will be available for participants to borrow.
  • The River Sweep is a rain or shine event, so dress for the weather. Bug spray and sunscreen are recommended. 
  • Volunteers will get lunch, a River Sweep t-shirt and a giveaway for participating. 
  • All volunteers must sign a waiver. Volunteers under 18 years of age must have a waiver signed by their parent or guardian. Waivers will be provided at the registration tent on the day of the River Sweep or you can download the waiver and bring it with you. 
