Police and Fire Retirement Fund

The Police and Fire Retirement Fund is a retirement and benefit fund for sworn members of the Divisions of Police and Fire and Emergency Services.  

The provisions of the PFRF are established by state law (KRS 67A.360 – 67A.690). The statutes should be consulted for detailed information.

Retirement options and benefits

Upon retirement qualified employees are eligible to receive a monthly annuity, health benefits and survivor benefits. Retirees are also eligible to participate in family insurance programs and dental insurance programs.


Financial information

Financial Information
The PFRF is funded by employer and employee contributions. Employees contribute 12% of their salary and the LFUCG contributes 42.73% of salaries. The financial management and oversight of the fund include active investment management, an annual financial audit and bi-annual actuarial analyses.

The PFRF has contracted with external investment managers to manage all funds. The Board has adopted an investment policy that recommends the following target allocations based on asset class:

Asset Class Target Allocation
Domestic Equity  40%
International Equity 23%
Domestic Fixed Income 23%
Real Estate 9%
Real Assets 5%
Total Plan 100.0%


Financial Statements
The funds of the PFRF are audited on an annual basis and are included in the LFUCG Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and the reporting standards of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The Annual Report for each fiscal year can be found on the accounting page.

Actuarial Report

An actuarial analysis that evaluates the funding status of the PFRF has been conducted every year since 2010.


Corrections, police, fire, government employees get raises

The Urban County Council gave Corrections Officers a $7,500 annual raise to make salaries more competitive and improve retention of quality employees.

Police, Fire pension fund assets top $1 billion

The assets of the pension fund recently topped $1 billion for the first time in its history.
